Day 3 Whistable to Dover (7/4/22)

 I moved off at around 8:30 in the morning for the longest day so far. A relatively long ride to Whitsable to start with a slow stretch up over the north downs. Once I got down to the coast it was blowing a gale and Whistable was seeming very exposed, apparently just to the east the coast line has an uninterrupted view to the North Pole so northerly winds are quite severe.

A few views of the exposed coastline around Whistable

A quick picture at the windy whitsable lifeboat station 

Along the coastline and round the corner, there seems to be lots of golf courses near here, I got in to Margate. The sun continued to shine which made up for the high winds. The lifeboat station is in a very unique position, behind the Turner contemporary gallery.

The bike in front of the station

Where the station is located behind the Turner contemporary gallery

Next stop was Ramsgate lifeboat station and when I popped in for a chat I found out the wind had been gusting to 50 knots so it was a bit of a struggle going in to the wind. There was also a nice old lighthouse on the way round that I thought  deserved a picture.

The next stop was Walmer lifeboat station which was an inshore station but all in a very nice old building. I also had a quick stop at Deal castle for a photo which was next door

Deal castle

After Walmer it was round to Dover where I was able to have a chat with some of the crew. They also happened to have a relief boat with them at the time

I then rode into the headwind over Romney marsh to my accommodation for the night


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