Day 7 Bembridge to Calshot

 Left relatively early for Bembridge and arrived before much was happening, I then retraced my steps to get to Cowes. Unfortunately the chain ferry was not working so I had to head around the river to reach the lifeboat station. I then went all the way down to the south coast of the island and up the south western road which was a lovely ride and worth the detour. The road ended in Yarmouth where I met some lovely people who had heard about my trip! I then caught the ferry into Lymington and headed for the Calshot lifeboat station. I was unlucky enough to get caught in a shower on my way back and decided to wait it out in a pub before realising the rain wasn’t stopping and heading for a campsite nearby. The first nights camping of the trip!

The approaching rain clouds from atop Calshot castle

Calshot lifeboat station 

Yarmouth lifeboat

Happy surfers and the good view from the south western road on the Isle of Wigt

Cowes lifeboat station 

Bembridge lifeboat station out on its pier


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